The Super Effective Writing Tool
No One Talks About

FREE Webinar
Tuesday, May 17, 2022
5:00pm PST/8:00pm EST

one-hour presentation plus time for questions and chat
*sign up below*

Dictation simply means having one person write for another. It isn’t a method widely used in schools, simply because the adult-to-child ratio doesn’t allow it, but it’s an ideal way to approach writing for families. Many kids dislike writing because learning the mechanics—spelling, grammar, penmanship and keyboarding—is an incredibly difficult, complex task that can take years to master. Dictation allows kids to develop their unique, vivid voices as writers from a very early age, while acquiring those mechanical skills gradually and naturally over time. It helps them enjoy the satisfaction of written self-expression without getting bogged down! It’s also a helpful technique for older, reluctant writers, and for fluent writers who need help starting a challenging project. In this workshop we’ll explore the role of dictation in a fun, child-centered approach to writing. We’ll discuss tips for how to take dictation successfully, and we’ll examine the advanced writing skills that kids can pick up painlessly, simply by dictating what they have to say to a willing, writing adult.

A recording of this webinar will be sent to all who have registered–but I hope you’ll try to attend live so you can take part in the discussion!

Sign up for the webinar:

Feedback from previous participants and readers:

Well, I know I always say this, but your dictation writing method was one of my Great Homeschooling Discoveries — now that kid who hated to write is writing philosophy, and that is down to you! 🙂

I learned from your post about the art of dictation, and we’ve written many stories this way, where my kids tell me the story and I write it down on a notepad. Then, they re-write or type it in, making adjustments along the way. I love dictation because it allows them to speak freely and not be burdened by spelling/grammar. Last night my 10 year old was writing on his own, read us his story (and got lots of laughs). He told me that he loved this writing project and that it gave him a “tingly” feeling. So THANK YOU for your words of wisdom on writing. They’ve helped this family!

“I left Patricia’s dictation workshop truly energized and excited. All anxieties and concerns about the development of my children’s writing flew right out the window! We now enjoy writing and look at it differently in a relaxed and fun-filled way. Learning about dictation and its many benefits has transformed the way we write, dried all our tears of frustration, and enhanced our creativity. What a gift she’s given us – freedom of expression. Don’t we all long for this?”

Thanks for another great post Patricia! The little man just discovered the awesome and fun power of the exclamation point, when I asked him about a sentence he had just dictated to me. That led to talk about questions marks and words that can indicate a question is being asked. He was so excited. He spent the rest of the day asking questions and making very excited statements!