I first heard about the idea of adopting a word for the year on the Creative Mom Podcast last year, but I never got around to choosing my own. But then I was reminded by this post on Handmade Homeschool. Prairie Poppins has some intriguing musings, photos and links.
I was surprised how quickly a word came to me. It walked right off my blog tagline.

It fits into so many of my goals for the year.

I want to continue trying to cultivate my kids’ interests. I just stumbled upon camp creek, which is a blog all about project-based learning. How is it that none of you mentioned this one to me before? It’s already providing inspiration, since we’re big on project-based learning around here.

I want to cultivate my garden this year. My garden is one of my favorite places in the world, yet last year it went all but neglected as we had work done on our house. But we had some gorgeous weather here on Saturday, and were able to get out there and make a better start for this year.

I want to cultivate my writing. I’ve already started on My Year of Excellent Essayists. I’ll share that with you soon.

Any of you have a word for the year? Care to share?
Love this post and the word. I was just looking at seed catalogs last night….almost time to plant the peas!
I’m not sure if I’ll stick with this one, but the word that jumps out to me is *balance*. Inner, outer, for me, for the kids, for our family life. I think it sums up so much of what I’m working on right now.
hey! i love when i click in to read and see myself mentioned! lol
“cultivate” is a great theme word. so is “balance” — i seem to write more about trying (and failing) to achieve balance in my journal than anything else. sigh.
but the word i chose for this year was “do”. i spent the last 18 months, since my school closed, in contemplation, study, deep thinking, and planning. this year i want to bring to fruition a lot of projects that i’ve been stirring for months.
p, i’m glad we found each other! ;^)
This will be a big year for us and I think adopting a word would help guide our decision-making. Hmmm, I’ll ponder and get back to you once our word transpires. I look forward to reading about the fruits of your cultivations!