things to do at a lake

Fish with a cousin.

fishing on the 4th



Learn to drive a boat from your grandfather.

driving the boat with papa

Swim with your siblings.

swimming siblings

Be patriotic, even in the act of climbing up a ladder.

red, white, and blue goggles

Show your dancer’s training while taking a dive.

point those toes!

Take a big jump, and fling your little brother into the air.

flinging mr. t

Watch fireworks from a boat.

fireworks over the lake

I’ll be back soon with a wordier post. Just thought I’d pop in, so you didn’t lose me altogether to the glories of summer. Hope you had a fabulous 4th.

4 comments… add one
  • Helen Jul 6, 2009 @ 23:59

    beautiful images! looks like the holiday was a success..

  • Kathy Jul 7, 2009 @ 17:28

    And a good time was had by all!!

  • Kristin Jul 13, 2009 @ 20:10

    Photos couldn’t be more “American” than those. Such a happy 4th you all had–just missing the apple pie. Lulu’s long legs while she’s diving are gorgeous–toes pointed–good job! (wink-thumbs up)

    • patricia Jul 13, 2009 @ 23:07

      Ha ha–you know I caught the wink-thumbs up reference! I can still see C. doing her thumbs-up from across the pool…

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