atwitter: september

A few things that have me all worked up right now:

Finished books. I finally got to this one. It’s the tale of Kingsolver’s family’s year-long experiment to grow as much of their own food as possible–and to eat locally-grown food when they couldn’t raise it themselves. Parts of the book preach to the choir if you already eat mostly organically, and you try to be a locavore. Still, their experiment was much more extensive than anything I could ever undertake, which made it an interesting read. And the writing itself often dazzles. This cheese queen especially loved the chapter on cheese-making: I’m inspired to try making mozzarella to go with our garden tomatoes.

The next book in the queue. I resisted this at the MOMA last week, which only forced me to hunt it down elsewhere when I couldn’t get it out of my mind. Doesn’t the subtitle–A Natural History of the Palette–thrill you? Maybe not. Maybe it sounds about as thrilling as an algebra textbook. But if you’re a color junkie like I am, it sounds like rainbow-colored crack. I hope I like it as much as I’m planning to.

My new planner. It’s the Moleskine 18-month planner and notebook, with weekly planning pages on the left, lined pages on the right. Moleskine touts it as the planner for both right and left-brained thinking, and that’s just what I love about it. My old planner was pretty much the Book of Guilt–full of things I had to do, ought to do, failed to do. This one gives offers just as much space for daydreaming, jotting, and ephemera-gluing. This week’s pages show my brainstorming for this blog entry, as well as a pathetic sketch of a romaine leaf from the garden, done in watercolor pencil. I’m trying to sketch nature with Mr. T–it’s not really my thing, but sometimes I’m surprised with what I come up with. (And I do love those watercolor pencils!)

Finished knitting. I’m really happy with this one. It’s Liesl, by Ysolda. It’s a fantastic pattern: quick-to-knit, and the complexity of the finished product belies the pattern’s simplicity. Also, Ysolda gives lots of options for customizing your cardigan. There’s more on my Ravelry page for you Ravelers out there.








The next project. The most exciting thing about finishing a knitting project–besides getting to wear it–is the thrill of the next one. I’m finally giving in to knitting this: the Coat with Lace Pattern from the Rebecca Special Mohair Issue. If you ever listened to my essay on the podcast Cast On, this is the pattern that tempted me into my knitting obsession. It’s taken me a few years to acquire the gall to believe I can take on a pattern with both lace and coat in its title. 

Links. This one is an article about the benefits of daydreaming. If homeschooling has done nothing else for my kids, it’s certainly encouraged their daydreaming skills! They’re daydream masters, all three. (Although they may have inherited those tendencies from their mother.) Thanks to Melissa at Here in the Bonny Glen for the link.

What has you all atwitter?

6 comments… add one
  • melissa s. Sep 18, 2008 @ 14:02

    I’m halfway through Plenty which chronicles a couple’s year of eating locally in the Pacific NW. It’s not as inspiring as AVM (which changed our life!) but more of a practical look at eating locally. Love that cardigan!!!

  • suzee Sep 18, 2008 @ 18:48

    Liesl is gorgeous! Yummy.

    The books look great – thanks for the titles.

  • stefaneener Sep 18, 2008 @ 20:08

    I’ve read both of the books, but I keep discussing a Day of Cheesmaking with some friends. I’m wondering if I can finish knitting one of my must-dos before casting on for a fun sweater, which didn’t stop me from ordering the yarn for the Deep Breath Sweater in a beautiful alpaca laceweight. So I’m all atwitter about a number of things.

    No books I really am longing for, which is hard. But I do want to watch some movies. Old and new — I’m just hanging pretty evenly these days.

    Oh! Gardening! I’m excited about that. And going to the Cal Academy for a preview day tomorrow. That should be very good.

  • patricia Sep 19, 2008 @ 6:44

    Hey, let’s make Carla do a Day of Cheesemaking with us. No, how about a cheesemaking Mom’s Night Out! Mom’s Night O’ Cheese! Can’t you just see us all, stretching mozzerella and gabbing?

  • PrairiePoppins Sep 25, 2008 @ 8:24

    I like your version of Liesl. It’s so charming in white.

  • Emily Cotler Oct 12, 2008 @ 10:05

    Making your own mozzarella? I am inspired beyond comprehension. And I was so proud of myself for assembling a pasta salad yesterday. When the big one hits, I am coming to your house. 🙂

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