the week in between

The bees had a festive time.

christmas for the bees

And so did we.

annual monkey pull apart shotRequisite annual monkey pull-apart bread photo.


Chris and I got, finally, our own stockings. Handmade by Lulu.

daddy's new rockin' stockin'Daddy got guitar picks.

stocking for a yarn loverMama got yarn.


Some of the best gifts were old ones.

lulu gets a typewriterFor a long time, Lulu has wanted an old typewriter. Chris found this one in the shed of his grandparents’ home, after his grandmother died. He cleaned it up, although it still needs some repair work.

lulu's new old typewriterHow she thanked us.


A while back I asked my parents about a picnic basket they had when I was a kid, that had belonged to my grandmother. They made like they’d given it away, but look what I got on Christmas Day:

mama's new old picnic basket

hawkeye refrigeratorMy mom can’t quite believe I’m so excited about such a battered old thing. But it’s an authentic Hawkeye Refrigerator! It’s lined in metal! It has a compartment for ice! (Or, these days, freezer packs.) No more cruddy plastic cooler for Park Day lunches!

The best gifts, I think, are the unconventional ones.

good things come in small packages

Yes, he got Christmas presents. But not long after the gift-opening, this is what I found him doing. Playing with the typewriter box.

This week I’ve been listening to Vespertine by Björk. I have never listened to Björk, just as I have never used an umlaut on this blog. But the album is perfectly quiet and otherworldly for this out-of-time week, this verging on a new year.

Hope your week is peaceful and thought-provoking.

16 comments… add one
  • Kristin Dec 30, 2009 @ 12:48

    I love antiques, especially when they are from within the family. L’s handmade stockings are adorable. Happy New Year!

    • patricia Dec 31, 2009 @ 8:48

      Happy new year to you too. Especially to you, you December 31 baby.

  • Dawn Dec 30, 2009 @ 13:51

    Hee, hee….I love the nutcracker! It’s the bees knees (gah, I couldn’t help it!). Lovely stockings, yummy monkey bread and Eeeee! that picnic basket it awesome!! Looks like you had a lovely holiday~


    • patricia Dec 31, 2009 @ 8:52

      Thanks, Dawn. I found that nutcracker at an after-Christmas sale two years ago, before I even had bees. I bought him, hoping.

      I think he liked meeting his hive, finally.

  • chris Dec 31, 2009 @ 11:52

    New Years Resolutions:
    Repair and reuse something old
    Live more simply
    Use more umlauts

    • patricia Dec 31, 2009 @ 17:29

      Hey, if we take that trip to Scandinavia, I’ll bet we could use lots of umlauts!

  • molly Dec 31, 2009 @ 17:51

    this week is a strange in between time – don’t quite know what to do with myself! your picnic basket/cooler is FANTASTIC! i’ve never seen anything like it – you’ll definitely have to bring it to our next tribe meeting. which we must plan soon. off to listen to a little bjork (how do you even type an umlaut? not that i knew what it was called before seeing it here. gotta get out more.)

    • patricia Jan 1, 2010 @ 18:09

      The picnic basket is fantastic. I’m sure you’ll see it at a gathering because I plan to use it, no matter how dang heavy it is.

      For an umlaut, you could look for a “special characters” tab under your “edit” menu–on a mac, at least. Or, even easier, just find Björk’s name on the internet, and copy and paste her “o” wherever you want your umlaut. Prestö!

  • TheOrganicSister Jan 1, 2010 @ 15:54

    *Love* the typewriter and picnic basket.

    Happy New Year!

    • patricia Jan 1, 2010 @ 18:20

      Happy new year to you too, Tara. I hope it’s one that leads to a wonderful word, come your blog post at this time next year.

  • Laura Jan 2, 2010 @ 13:00

    Beautiful post! In between reading texts for my classes, I like to browse your blog and feed my soul. I hope you and the fam have a wonderful new year.
    ps. I was hoping to get a glimpse of the mouthwatering ginger bread squares you make. Did they make it on this year’s menu?

    • patricia Jan 3, 2010 @ 22:28

      Hey sweets! You just keep studying for that degree–I’m so proud of you.

      And yes, we did make the gingerbread tiles again. We still have some left. If you lived closer you could come over and have some with tea. Sigh.

  • Kate Jan 3, 2010 @ 9:10

    Oh, I know that feeling! Last Christmas there were many presents under the tree from my mom that were labeled from “Grandma’s Attic.” They were truly the best. To wake up and see my childhood dolls sitting under the tree was perfect.

    Love the stockings! Best wishes to you in and your family in the new year!

  • Valarie Jan 3, 2010 @ 12:46

    It looks like you had a great holiday. I’m so impressed how you used that umlaut on your blog. I will go and listen to this album now. I haven’t heard it yet.
    I hope all of those college apps got out. Right before Christmas we heard that Mimi,my daughter, got into Vanderbilt….so we’re done. Yea!!!!!! Sending great thoughts your way. Happy New Year.

    • patricia Jan 3, 2010 @ 22:40

      Your daughter was already accepted? What a thrill! Congratulations–to both of you!

      H submitted his last application last week. Phew! He didn’t apply for early decision, so we have a while to wait, but I’m just glad the applications are behind him.

      Happy new year to you too!

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