writing about writing

writing about writing post image

Today on the Rhythm of the Home blog, I go all meta on you and write about writing. I take you step-by-step through my completely non-linear, illogical writing process. It’s a little wacky, but it works for me. It might help you understand why I think it’s a bad idea to impose outlines on kids too early in the process.

I’d love to hear: what does your writing process look like?

5 comments… add one
  • Kristin Jan 26, 2013 @ 9:05

    Just wanted you to know that I’ve been enjoying your posts at the Rhythm of the Home blog and I’ll bounce over and check out this one too!

    • patricia Jan 26, 2013 @ 10:39

      Thanks so much for reading along over there, Kristin. And thanks for leaving a comment there! I wrote a response to you, if you click back over. 🙂

  • Cassie Feb 5, 2013 @ 0:54

    Hi Patricia,

    Your posts on writing give me so much courage to continue on the crunchy granola, organic path we’ve decided to take. This post in particular could not have come at a more perfect time. My nemesis, Doubt, has been trying to sneak her way in and make herself at home. Shoo!

    Thank you!

    See how the universe works?

    • patricia Feb 5, 2013 @ 8:16

      Cassie, little makes me happier than helping people down the crunchy granola, organic path to writing! I’m so glad that my post was helpful.

      I’m planning to begin a new series, any day now, on being writing mentors to our kids. Hope it will be more encouragement for keeping Doubt out of the building!

      (And thank you for buying my book, Cassie!)

  • wanderingsue Nov 6, 2013 @ 13:29

    Well, I have a few different writing processes, I guess, for different purposes. For my blog, I think about something for however long it takes to feel the need to write it. Then I try to remember all the things I thought would be good to say. Then I type it all out and reread it and maybe make a few changes and think, “oh, what the hell,” and post it.

    For emails, well, pretty much the same, I guess, only without much of the thinking in advance. And for replies on other people’s blogs, well, yeah, the same, only without thinking in advance at all, apparently. So, I might realise I’m talking nonsense now, and go back and change the original premise, or I might just think, “oh, what the hell,” and submit it.

    I do keep a “Mummy’s Home Ed Journal,” which is my favourite, because I don’t think at all before I write in that- it’s quite the opposite. How completely I understand what you mean, (whoever that quote was from,) about not knowing what I think until I see what I say!

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