let’s talk about writing

let’s talk about writing post image

My friends, bless their hearts, have heard me yammer on about kids and writing for years. They know that once I get going, I won’t stop. I have so much enthusiasm for kids, and writing, and how to help kids get enthusiastic about writing, that I will gladly go on for as long as they’ll let me.

If you’ve been spared these feverish ramblings because we haven’t met in person, here’s your chance to hear me let loose. The lovely Marianna du Bosq interviewed me for her podcast Bilingual Avenue. I only have passing experience working with bilingual learners; in this interview we discuss writer’s workshops and helping kids become eager writers. (If you have interest in raising bilingual children, Marianna’s website is a treasure trove.)

So come on over and hear me gush and even giggle over kids and writing, friends. And I’ll bless your heart too.

Anything I missed in the interview? Let’s talk in the comments!

P.S. If you worry over your kids and reading and didn’t see my last post, I hope you’ll check it out. Lots of great insight in the comments.

6 comments… add one
  • mary frances Feb 24, 2016 @ 11:55

    Can’t wait to check this out ♥

    • patricia Feb 24, 2016 @ 12:21

      Thanks so much, Mary Frances! There’s some good stuff there for parents of little kids too. 🙂

  • CathyT Feb 27, 2016 @ 4:25

    Another great post and how timely. I was sitting at the gym while my 9 year old son was at his gymnastics class and thought, “What a good time to listen to a podcast.” As I was deciding what to listen to your email jumped into my in box and hey, it was a great listen. I fowarded it to two of my SILs who are both from different countries and raising their children bi-lingual. Win Win. Your message is such a great one to hear again. And your voice is just as I pictured it would be. Young sounding and happy. 🙂

    BTW, my 11 year old is considering allowing me to run a writer’s workshop. You know how excited I am about that?!?!?! I know it will take a bit of time to get off the ground but we are in the talking stage (which could be 6-8 months long knowing us). We are finally starting our math club this weekend — called puzzle club — after 10 months of talk… Yet the talking part between son and mom is an important part and somehow may be more manageable for me to put into place after summer camping…

    • patricia Mar 4, 2016 @ 16:34

      Cathy T! I received your comment when I was out of town, and forgot to respond. So sorry!

      Thank you so much for taking the time to listen to the podcast. It’s an honor to have readers spend that kind of time with me. 🙂

      Oh, your own writer’s workshop! I hope you do it. Yes, talking about it together is a wonderful step in the process. It means that your son will make the workshop his own, which is great. It really isn’t hard to do, as I’ve said many times. Please let me know if I can be of any help. And have fun with that puzzle club!

  • Carrie Pomeroy Mar 4, 2016 @ 16:20

    This was a great podcast! The interviewer asked so many good questions and really gave you the room to flesh out your ideas, and as usual, you were both knowledgeable and inspiring. My daughter wandered through the kitchen while I was listening and said, “Wow, this really sounds like the way you ran our writers’ workshop!” I responded that that was because I’d read your book!

    Hearing you talk reminded me all over again how your years of experience and thinking have yielded many wonderful, helpful insights. I love how this podcast distills so much of your wisdom into an easy-to-digest package. Very cool, Patricia!

    I have nothing much to add, except that it made me nostalgic for the writing workshop we used to have a few years ago. It’s since disbanded a bit because so many of the members ended up going to school and got busy with settling into that new routine. This podcast made me want to go and start up a new one, which I think is a compliment to your ability to inspire enthusiasm and make writing workshops feel do-able.

    • patricia Mar 4, 2016 @ 16:39

      Carrie, thank you for taking the time to listen! I’m honored. Love the passing quote from your daughter. 🙂

      I was happy with how much we were able to fit into a podcast too! Marianna was a generous interviewer, and she made it easy and fun.

      Oh, yes, consider starting up another workshop! I’m actually thinking of continuing ours next fall, after Mr. T starts school. We might meet in the evenings, maybe just once a month. I’ve worked with these kids for so long now that it’s sad to think of stopping. And T probably won’t get a lot of creative writing opportunities at school; I’d love to keep creative writing in his life. We’ll see!

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