Remember back in January, when Lulu and I watched all those old commercials, and I told you about her food project? She wanted to learn about food in the U.S. in the last century. Well, she worked at the project for two months, and finally finished it last week for our homeschool group’s history fair. [...]

I know I’ve been hinting at my admiration for A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future by Daniel Pink, for the last month or so, but I’ve finally managed to write a proper post about it. Because I think you should read this book. mr. t tries on a whole new mind [...]

I’m a little late, but here’s how I’m doing with my project. It always feels a little funny sharing a work-in-progress. I read a post from ysolda on her fabulous knitting blog, about her qualms with sharing her designs-in-progress. She does share, saying, “Personally I think it’s pretty interesting to see a project build and [...]

Things have been so dang thinky on this blog lately. I really owe you my chapter-a-month challenge post, but I’m ready for some fluff. Photos! Knitting! Sugary stuff to eat! I haven’t done one of these atwitter posts in a while. Here’s what has me all worked up these days. Knitting. Looky! Even though I [...]

thank you

Thank you to all who left a comment on my last post. Thank you so much. Here’s the cherry on top that I promised. I just wish I could give you each one of the actual profiteroles that Lulu made for her grandparents’ birthdays, with handmade bittersweet chocolate sauce, of course! I was touched that [...]

pretty please?

I need your help. I’m writing myself in circles with the chapter I’m working on, and it occurred to me that some feedback from actual rather than virtual people would be incredibly useful. I have two questions that I’d love to have answered. What are your concerns regarding your kids and writing? What goals hopes do [...]

The latest episode of my waldorf guilt. If you haven’t been reading along, these are the posts in which I wring my hands over how un-waldorfy things can get around here, and how I tend to feel guilty about it. Or try to justify why I don’t feel guilty. I’ve been feeling less and less [...]