archives 2025 the wonder-room, january 2025 choice time2024 wonder farm 2.0 calling myself mama all my waldorf guilt, revisited after sixteen years making time to lie in the sunflowers on community links and thinks, march 2024 map of my heart2023 you brighten my day fifteen thoughts on wonder farm’s fifteenth birthday in praise of “lazy parenting” start with a box the art i needed i hear you2022 blog revamp & omg i’m on tiktok going analog on listening aswirl let’s get this party started things that make my brain explode2021 distracted made something circles dearest sarah: an open letter to parents who homeschooled during this pandemic year trusting the process i heart lynda barry i dwell in possibility the morning, which is mine2020 december 2020 when we were young how to facilitate a virtual writer’s workshop for kids why a virtual writer’s workshop might be just what your kids need right now new essay at salon #suddenlyhomeschooling the liminal space of the college application essay2019 re-vision offering the feedback a writer really needs2018 images as pathways in ten years on the wonder farm a homeschooling essay, for you where the sparks fly distillation2017 life as a lyric essay it looked familiar, but unfamiliar lost and found metamorphosis2016 the best figuring it out reinventing myself new york, new york off the grid a history of history fairs it all came back let’s talk about writing “I don’t like reading” i like making my own assignments2015 oh, december hanging with the kids bittersweet summer freebies notes from a writing conference I danced and danced and danced nine questions about writing for the rare readers who wonder game boy loud2014 reasons not to blog pleased to meet me * required + reading it’s a homeschooling magazine giveaway! the hardest part i have a picture of you on my heart summer reading this is 49 just another witness to homeschooling lemony snicket is our man in which she bashes traditional schooling the wait clean writing ideas: infographics record2013 i recommend hopping right on become a writing mentor to your child, part 8: encouraging without discouraging 18 things i love about my girl why i haven’t posted here in over a month become a writing mentor to your child, part 7: the power of positive feedback even if the notification process is now automated, my responses to you will never be “want me to read it to you?” i want to offer you something here i’m feeling ruminative wonder farm is five! sangrias all around! i offer you a little something different become a writing mentor to your child, part 6: finding meaningful writing for kids the periodic table of marvel characters: thoughts on a long-term project yes! become a writing mentor to your child, part 5: grammar, by ear become a writing mentor to your child, part 4: that niggling thing called spelling become a writing mentor to your child, part 3: three points from a mentor become a writing mentor to your child, part 2: “they know stuff” become a writing mentor to your child, part 1: teacher or mentor? new york, in snow and spotlight writing about writing stop the story! fondness for my kitchen table guest-posting at rhythm of the home through the blur2012 5 tips for offering feedback to a writer giveaway updates hey! I wrote a book! almost there a few rules for homeschooling and life, the marvel edition becoming a filmmaker, ten bucks at a time “most of what you think you know about writing is useless” how talking to your kids about their interests can make them better writers homeschool writing if you’ve been to one of my workshops (and even if you haven’t)… keeping me busy i’d give you a cupcake if i could how to strike it rich in the california gold rush * if you want to help your kids with writing, you need to write yourself how do kids REALLY learn to write, 2.0 busy as a bee “these are all things that i just do for fun” my handy-dandy process for helping kids write nonfiction based on other sources why seth godin and other school reformers shouldn’t dismiss homeschooling writing ideas: a cool facts slide show connections atwitter: march the rule of three the magical, motivating writer’s workshop how does a child REALLY learn to write? year of writing hello, twenty twelve2011 have yourself a merry little christmas “don’t put this on your blog!” living history it’s just something you do DIY home page, DIY learning on dreaming and duct tape three days of reading and writing: an incomprehensive list love reading today! love writing today! my remodeled digs learning from thor and lego space marauders how to encourage writing with the media kids love the writing kids do on their own is real writing all the inspiration i needed distracted from party to coffee talk it’s a party! hey kids! it’s a giveaway! summer work, summer play how’s this for a title: prefrontal cortexes, the 4th grade slump and writing summer list twitterpated am I an unschooler? what’cha reading? one fine morning the ultimate guide, ultimately still talking literature talking literature atwitter: april it’s a giveaway: alphabet glue ten days of delights a little adventure host yourself a history fair! if hephaestus had duct tape… you don’t have to shut up and sit down inspiration, in the most unlikely places atwitter: nyc edition learning in the new millennium, part 2 learning in the new millennium I knit a sweater for my new baby writing ideas: the ultimate guide writing ideas: the disclaimer why homeschool? bricolage my brain has split in two2010 if you want to build a ship an early present atwitter: december up on my soapbox betsy, tacy and tib, my old friends fired up the search engine post, volume 2 spiffing up the place a quote to ponder oh, what can be learned from a timeline! wondering using dictation with older kids glitches along the way thinking like a writer grammar as terror; grammar as tool they don’t all want to tell a story on dictation and self-expression what a dictation session might look like getting started with taking dictation why take dictation from kids? the dictation project this parenting gig isn’t for the weak of heart school, part 2 following the kid death of a project atwitter: july week of writing 3.0 audiobooks, anyone? such grand plans Koor-ben-haun southern sweden where in the world is wonder farm? popping in click! anything you wanna do eighteen chapter-a-month challenge: april on meeting friends and mama’s day the wall beside the bed over the fence, out of the norm darned homeschooling chapter-a-month challenge: march “but if I write for them, how will they ever learn to write themselves?” one hundred years of food why you need a whole new mind chapter-a-month challenge: february atwitter: march thank you pretty please? norse myths, wii games and a whole lot of thinking chapter-a-month challenge: january retreat thoughts on a year-long project (or, boring my readers for one last time) on rice-a-roni and inspiration december: notes on adam gopnik woman with a mission2009 the week in between projects, part two projects, part one november: notes on michael chabon the college application monster science and silliness a zaballos brothers production october: notes on scott russell sanders if your kid loves wolverine take five minutes and try this the homeschooling habit september: notes on m.f.k. fisher i am a master of spunkiness atwitter: september you spin me right round, baby, right round the search engine post august: notes on pico iyer how to set a house on fire “i’m still playing with that” we camped july: notes on e.b. white friends, virtual and tangible nurturing young writers atwitter: july letter to a sweater week of writing, take 2 june: notes on molly wizenberg things to do at a lake a little reading alchemy a post without an image how to homeschool frog egg afternoon may: notes on anne lamott eric carle art googling myself busy pondering mothering on mother’s day april: notes on joan didion atwitter: april an audacious idea going to the getty, everybody… la la land the garden transformed the easter garden march: notes on sue hubbell we love ed atwitter: february/march highlights from a history fair I’d like a thimbleful of channa masala, please the scribe and the storyteller february: notes on montaigne making space, literally and figuratively the duomo in his hands and it was all yellow for the love of bon jovi what homeschooling looked like this week january: notes on annie dillard atwitter: january invented spelling 10,000 hours I love it when they’re bored the family is going undercover my year of excellent essayists word for the year when your kid wants almost nothing for Christmas start as you mean to go on2008 atwitter: december happy christmas! the elves have been busy contender for best christmas cookie ever season of light happy the advent box old friends abundance pokemon revisited these things take time I love my new camera a book I do not need a quote for wondering atwitter: november presidential thirteen kicking my waldorf guilt in the butt birthday gift on homeschooling and teaching credentials button box rejection wonderings from the wonder farm species #3 six weeks lessons learned on a homeschool camping trip “can I do that thing again today?” atwitter: september queremos a frida digging (to) china not school school what I love about my local homeschool conference* here we go! the 100 Species Challenge meets the challenge of raising kids with minds of their own makin’ stuff all my waldorf guilt, part 2 all my waldorf guilt week of “writing” what’s a wonder farm?