focus cards test page

For twenty years, I homeschooled with my three kids. Before that, I was an elementary school teacher. My teaching experience did not exactly prepare me to be a homeschooling parent; it was more often a hindrance than a help.

Over time I learned to loosen my teaching expectations and came to trust the kids, letting them guide their learning more and more, while still embracing the structure of a regular time working together. I tell more about our homeschooling style in this post.

The “kids” are all now young adults–28, 25 and 19. H homeschooled until he was 16, when he decided to go to high school as a junior. He started making films as a teenager, studied film in college and is now pursuing life as a freelance cinematographer in Brooklyn. L homeschooled until high school. The girl was born knowing her own mind; she wrote her own major in college, combining art, education and empowerment of the individual, and is now in grad school studying Urban Policy and Leadership. Mr. T also homeschooled until high school. He’s now an undergrad, studying from home during the pandemic, double-majoring in History and Comedy Filmmaking—no surprise if you’ve read about him here over the years.

There are a lot of posts here, going all the way back to 2008, with a particular focus on helping kids love writing. I’ve tried to organize the highlights for you. Thank you for being here!