And I’m so excited to finally be able to share it with you.
You can read all about it here. But come back! I have more to share with you. Including a giveaway.
Originally I’d planned to release the book as a simple PDF. But after thinking about it, I realized that since Workshops Work! is a guide, some folks might like to be able to hold it in their hands. Others might like to read it on a Kindle, Nook or iPad. It took longer than I thought it would, but I’ve made all of those options available to you.
Can you tell that I want to get the word out on writer’s workshops? They’re one of the best ways I know to inspire kids to write. They are also fairly simple to facilitate. I want more kids to experience writing with a workshop, and with this book I’m doing all I can to make that happen.

I’ll be giving away a sample chapter to blog subscribers in the next day or so. I’m offering the chapter A Crash Course in What Makes Literature Work, which I wrote to help workshop facilitators understand the elements of effective writing. It’s a good chapter to share with you subscribers, I think, because even if you don’t facilitate a workshop of your own, you may be able to use the ideas when you chat about favorite books with your kids. Plus, the chapter is full of examples of fantastic kid writing culled from my workshops. I think you’ll like it. (So consider subscribing to the blog if you haven’t already. You can do that here, or from the button in the right sidebar.)
Also, I’m giving away five signed copies of the book. And yes, I will do my best to mail those paperbacks to any place in the world where you wonderful readers might live! (I know you’re an international crew.) For your chance to win, leave a comment to this post before 10:00pm Pacific Time on Sunday, December 2. I’ll randomly choose five winners and announce them here next Monday.
So if you please, go read about the book. Then come back and comment for a chance to win one. And then consider facilitating a writer’s workshop for your kid and a few friends. Seriously, consider it. It might be one of the best things you can do for your kid’s growth as a writer.
Love this blog & can’t wait to read this book! Trying to encourage writing in my house without scaring anyone away from it :/
This sounds fantastic! I love this format for my own writing and would love to have the tools to give me confidence in facilitating.
Yes, Lori, writing groups are essential for many adult writers. Kids are no different!
Writing always feels like a solitary process. Looking forward to reading this book to help my son, who is a reluctant writer.
I am so excited for you Patricia!!!!!!! And I can’t wait to read it and put it to use!!!!!
I’d love it if you’d start up a workshop, Lisa! We need more East Bay workshops for homeschoolers! I’ll help in any way I can. You could come sit in on one of my workshops…
I am a HUGE fan of writing workshops (and reading workshops and art workshops…) and have been since my days in the classroom. We just started family writing workshop a couple weeks ago and my kids actually had a protest at dinner yesterday (“what do want? writer’s workshop! when? now!) because they wanted to share their writing and I said it was too late and we needed to postpost sharing time….Too funny!
much luck on the new book.
I have my signed copy. I noticed our daughter’s testimonial and our son’s description in the script. How fun! All three of our kids have been lucky enough to participate in your workshops. What a great accomplishment.
Kristin, I forgot to point out C’s testimonial on the back cover yesterday! I felt like a kid’s feedback ought to be there along with the professional writers’ feedback! Have loved having your kids in my workshops all these years.
As somebody looking to start a grown up writing workshop and a mom to an story-loving pre-writer, this looks great
I think there’s something for both of you in the book then, Sara!
I love this! We just moved and left a great co-op – and I can’t find a new one where we live! I’m having to look at how we homeschool a little differently with that hole in our week. I think this would fit perfectly 🙂
I hope you do start up a workshop, Laura! If you have any questions or comments as you get going, please leave them on the book’s community page:
(Thank you for buying my book! I’ll send it out via Priority Mail tomorrow!)
I’m so excited to read your book! My daughter is just getting to the age where she and I could start doing some writerly stuff together. It’s exciting!
I’m a homeschooling mother of 2 and part of a few hs groups. I’m anxious to learn more about teaching writing, I’ve been at a loss. When I was a child I naturally would sit in a little space alone somewhere and write. This isn’t the case with my oldest, And she is so creative (and has a lot to talk about). This looks like a great addition to our schooling.
I would LOVE your book, Patricia! We are life learners here too, and my children enjoy it when i dictate their stories. And i love it too, being of witness to all that brilliant creating coming from the scrumptious little BE-ings in my life. xo
Dear Patricia,
I’m very excited about your book on Writing Workshops. I recently sat in on a Writer’s Workshop offered at North Star: Self-directed Learning for Teens, which has been offered there for many years and facilitated by a published author. To me, she is offering a lot of respect for the students, in that she is offering them a “real-life” experience…. exactly what many adult authors participate in for their own professional growth.
Thanks for spelling out all the steps for us novices.
Yes, that’s precisely why workshops are so great for kids, Rebecca: they’re real-life experiences, just like the workshops that adult writers thrive on!
Congratulations Patricia! What a gift to so many. Our family is also devoted to encouraging writing and literacy among kids! If I win your book, I will first read it and take a plethora of notes. Then I’ll donate it to our public library so that others can enjoy it too. Well done! I look forward to reading it.
Gwyn, if you don’t win, you’ll still be able to order the book for your library–and I’d love it if you’d do that! The ISBN# is one that libraries can order. If that option isn’t available yet, it will be in the next few weeks. Often, libraries have online forms with which you can request purchases. Super easy!
Will do! I’ll get on it. That way you’ll have an extra purchase one way or the other. 🙂
Giveaway comments closed! Winners are Anamaria, Sandra, Debbie, Wendy and JJ. Congratulations! Will be contacting you via email for mailing addresses.