guest-posting at rhythm of the home post image

Wow, two posts in three days! Imagine that! This one is just a little promo piece, to tell you that I’m guest-posting at the Rhythm of the Home blog this month, and my first mini-essay is up. It’s a weeper about having my oldest home from college for Christmas. Hope you’ll pop over and read.

through the blur

through the blur post image

I only need reading glasses when I wear my contacts. Somehow I feel compelled to explain that to people. I don’t need reading glasses, not really. Even though I’m 47. Like that’s something to brag about. Of course, I wear my contacts all day long, so the reading glasses find their way on my face fairly often. [...]

5 tips for offering feedback to a writer post image

Feedback on my book’s introduction from one of my longtime reader-friends. You may have read this post already, as I shared it as a guest writer on the Spilling Ink Creativity Blog. I thought I’d post it here as well, in case some of you missed it, and so I can link it with my [...]

giveaway updates

Time for me to mail off books! Congratulations to the following winners-chosen by random number generator–who will be receiving a paperback copy of my new book Workshops Work! in the mail: Anamaria, Debbie, Wendy, Sandra and JJ. I’ll be contacting you via email for your address information. It’s such a thrill for me to send my book out [...]

hey! I wrote a book!

hey! I wrote a book! post image

And I’m so excited to finally be able to share it with you. You can read all about it here. But come back! I have more to share with you. Including a giveaway. Originally I’d planned to release the book as a simple PDF. But after thinking about it, I realized that since Workshops Work! [...]

almost there

almost there post image

I’m binding off on the last row of this shawl. (The pattern is Cloud Illusions.) Being that I’m on the last row, I should be close to the finish, but this shawl has a picot bind-off. For the non-knitters out there, that means that while binding the yarn off the needles in the last row, the [...]

a few rules for homeschooling and life, the marvel edition post image

Let kids pursue their interests, even if they seem trivial. Especially if they seem trivial. This could be a subtitle for practically every post I write, so there’s nothing revelatory here. Still, it’s a handy rule, worth shaping a lifestyle around—even if it means that a kid wants to study Avengers comics for months on [...]