made something

made something post image

I made something!  It’s called a book proposal. A proposal is a document that nonfiction writers send to agents, pitching their books. They’re complex beasts, containing blurbs from other writers, an overview of the book you’re writing, marketing plans, comparative book titles, chapter summaries for each chapter in the book even if you haven’t written the whole [...]


circles post image

I’m writing a chapter for my book about 2005. The year my boys were three and thirteen. One was in a band, the other in training pants. It felt like my life was circling back on itself at the same time it was charging into uncharted territory. On the Christmas video that year, the older [...]

trusting the process post image

$175 and two days later they left. The package of bees I bought two years ago. I installed them and they absconded two days later. Who knows why? I should know what I’m doing; I’ve kept bees most years since 2009. Still, they took off. Left their hive cold and empty, $175 in their flown-off [...]

i heart lynda barry post image

A month later, and apparently I am still obsessed with hands. Lynda Barry calls them “the original digital device.” I am also newly obsessed with Lynda Barry. It was her free two-hour drawing workshop that did it. Even though I am one of those people who doesn’t draw. Which is, it turns out, exactly the [...]

i dwell in possibility post image

H, my oldest, gave me a pen for Christmas. One of my favorite gifts ever, for how beautifully it writes, and even more for the beauty in his consideration of this particular gift, for me. I’ve been using it to write my morning pages in my journal. Usually by page three, my hand gets tired [...]

the morning, which is mine post image

I’ve been waking up in the mornings and ignoring my phone. Heating my water for tea and looking out the window instead. I started doing this before Christmas, but in the past week it’s been saving me, as I’m sure you understand. Austin Kleon made me do it. I wrote last month about listening to [...]