Phew, that last birthday post really did feel like a party. I’ve never had so many of you show up in the comments at once (which only shows how willingly you indulge my pleading.) There were folks I’d never met before, and others I haven’t heard from in a while. There were the regulars too, [...]

At least I’m calling it a party. (Totally unrelated party photo from a friend’s fabulous recent gathering.) Today is my blog’s third birthday. Funny to think back to June 18, 2008. It was the summer that H was sixteen, a month before he went to high school as a junior–so we still had a house of [...]

Earlier today I was despairing the fact that I probably wouldn’t get a post up this week. Mr. T has been at day camp, playing orc in the redwoods, and meanwhile I’ve been working like a squirrel in September on my conference workshops. Didn’t think I’d have time to write here. Then I remembered that [...]

Ever wish you could hear me yammer on in person about the stuff I write about here? Uh, probably not. After all, in person it’s not so easy to click me closed when I’m too longwinded. Nevertheless, if you’ll happen to be in California, nearabouts Sacramento in early August, you’ll have your chance. I’ll be [...]

summer list

Over at her Foothill Home recently, my friend Molly posted her summer to-do list. Inspiring. Mr. T had already started his list, so I combined his with mine, and here’s what we have so far. Swim with friends and family. Often. Have a puzzle going at all times. (Stolen from Molly. Check!) Make good things [...]


Last fall I had an email conversation with Lori of Camp Creek, on my woes about writing and trying to build a blog audience. She had plenty of good advice, including something along the lines of Twitter is where it’s at. Twitter! No way. Twitter rubbed me the wrong way from the start. A platform [...]