I danced and danced and danced post image

I turned fifty last week. An old high school acquaintance wrote on my Facebook wall, “It’s just a number.” To make me feel better, I guess. But I don’t feel bad about turning fifty. I feel excited, to be honest. When you’re in your late forties (or thirties or twenties, for that matter), you’re creaking [...]

nine questions about writing for the rare readers who wonder post image

I fully realize that reflections on the writing process can be fascinating reading for writers–and dull as tax documents for non-writers. I also realize that over the years I’ve acquired a readership made up largely of homeschoolers, and that I’m not necessarily writing much about homeschooling here these days. Which is to say that the post that [...]

game boy

game boy post image

Desire is a powerful engine. As a homeschooling parent I harness it shamelessly. If my boy delighted in turning learning into games, I was game. Through T’s eyes, the Periodic Table was a glorious alternative Pokédex, each element a character with distinctive powers and potential to unleash chaos on other elements. Other areas of science, [...]


loud post image

Our two New York kids were home for Christmas. H went back a few weeks ago; Lulu is here for a few more days. It was pretty much the best thing ever, having all three kids home at once. It was also loud. My family is loud. Some of the family noise is good, don’t [...]

reasons not to blog

reasons not to blog post image

It’s been a month since you last wrote, and two months since you wrote a real post that was more than a link to writing you’ve done elsewhere. How to catch up? Do you need to catch up? What are the blogging rules? It’s December, which makes you feel that you should comment on the [...]

pleased to meet me *

pleased to meet me * post image

The family in 1998, a few months after we started homeschooling. Homeschooling requires such faith. For most of us, it means striking out on terrain that is unfamiliar, that requires new tools. We want to believe that we’ll get where we want to go, that the journey will be good for our kids, but how [...]

required + reading post image

“Reading time! Grab your book!” This is what I call out to Mr. T, who is in the backyard, walking circles around the trampoline, lost in thought. He gives me his usual just-a-minute and eventually comes in, pulls Hunter from the book basket and sprawls himself in every direction across the leather chair like an [...]