She appreciates Wes Anderson films down to the art on the walls and the title fonts. She texted me when Pagoda died. She says that her brothers are “my favorite people in the world.” She has the biggest blue eyes. As a newborn, they overwhelmed her face: she looked a little like Yoda. Before long, [...]
My last post had only two comments after a week, and I couldn’t quite understand why. Was it because I’d posted on a Friday when no one was reading? Was it because the post was, as usual, too longwinded? The topic mattered to me–offering positive feedback on kids’ writing–so why didn’t it resonate with more [...]
Feedback on one of my drafts from a writing friend. Note all of the smiley faces and “I like this” checks. I learned that I’d done something right in this paragraph. All I ever meant to do was write a simple post on how a parent might offer writing feedback to their kids. I’d written [...]
For several years I’ve had this crazy little practice when someone leaves a comment on this blog. After I respond to the comment, I copy my response from the blog and paste it into the email notification that WordPress sends me each time one of you leaves a comment. The notification arrives via the email [...]
I found the book in a little indie bookstore by the beach when we were in Los Angeles for a long weekend. Super Human looked like something he’d like: heroes, villains, characters with names like Quantum and Paragon. I showed it to him and asked if it looked interesting, but he was sprawled under a [...]
The other day I gave two workshops at the HSC Adventures in Homeschooling Conference in Sacramento. Speaking about writing with people who actually seem to want to listen is one of my favorite things, right up there with sweet peas, and Conor Oberst warbling in my earbuds. I love it when people raise their hands [...]
Passing a five year birthday will do that to you. First, let me tell you: your blog birthday wishes were a delight. A delight that went on for days. It’s such a treat to know how you first came here, where you come from, why you come back. I loved every single comment. Thank you for indulging [...]