in his hands: learning how to let their projects be truly theirs
dearest sarah: an open letter to parents who homeschooled during this pandemic year: in which I respond to a reader’s heartfelt comment
a history of history fairs: kid goes meta
“I don’t like reading”: my kid says he doesn’t like reading, but I don’t totally believe him
in which she bashes traditional schooling: my daughter’s risky college application essay
writing ideas: infographics: how a kid’s love of information led to a cool project
“want me to read it to you?”: in which my kid surprises me by offering to read aloud a book he loves
the periodic table of marvel characters: thoughts on a long-term project: cool project, finally finished
talking books: guest post on how kids’ interruptions during read-alouds teach them about literature
how talking to your kids about their interests can make them better writers: yes, even if they simply want to go on and on about Magic, the Gathering
these are all things i do just for fun: how my kid inspired the data artist from the new york times!
connections: how one kid’s play is another person’s work
don’t put this on your blog! how they keep taking us along for the ride, even when they’re in college
love reading today! love writing today!: if you want them to become readers and writers, you have to help them love reading and writing–today!
learning from thor and lego space marauders: charts and graphs inspired by a kid’s interests
am I an unschooler?: a kid’s big plans about what he wants to learn and how he wants to learn it
host yourself a history fair: everything you need to know!
learning in the new millennium: on learning and video games
bricolage: what it means and what it has to do with learning
fired up: mother and son, worked up about personal projects, in parallel
oh, what can be learned from a timeline: it doesn’t have to be just the facts, ma’am
they don’t all want to tell a story: how to help them dictate what they’re really interested in
following the kid: on paying attention when their eyes light up and they want to write logic puzzles about little plastic creatures
darned homeschooling: where following your kid can lead you
“but if I write for them, how will they ever learn to write themselves?”: learning to write from the likes of Pokemon
100 years of food: big project; her idea
why you need a whole new mind: book to convince you that your kid’s interests might actually be valuable aptitudes in the future
norse myths, wii games and a whole lot of thinking: projects can come from the most unlikely places
on rice-a-roni and inspiration: you never know what will excite them
a zaballos brothers production: wrapping the talents of two brothers into one grand project
science and silliness: when your kid is a mad scientist, go with it
you spin me right round, baby, right round: yes, if your kid likes aliens, he will find a way to work them into math
how to set a house on fire: yet another post on where following their interests can lead
eric carle art: how my kids got all fired up by an art project–but didn’t follow it through as I hoped they would
highlights from a history fair: a history fair and how it inspires
I’d like a thimbleful of channa masala, please: Lulu’s dollhouse-sized Indian kitchen
making space, literally and figuratively : in which I nearly muck up the child-led learning, once again
the duomo: sometimes even child-led learning requires a little parent intervention
10,000 hours: the story behind H’s filmmaking interests–and how he began racking up malcolm gladwell’s 10,000 hours
for the love of bon jovi: kids can learn from everything, yes they can
pokemon revisited: don’t discount those banal passions
on homeschooling and teaching credentials: the many ways my teaching background has gotten in the way
digging (to) china: the kids brainstorm ways to learn about china
school: sometimes following their lead means letting them choose school
all my waldorf guilt: when their interests include gaming systems